Feb 19, 2017

Trump first rally after inauguration Why NO crowd overview at Melbourne, Fla

Feb 18, 2017 - After reading this you'll know why illuminati media didn't show any overview of Trump's first rally as president, in Melbourne, Fla.

Trump had in reality 30 not 63 million votes. "Clinton won the popular vote" with in reality less than 10 million votes, 98% of them solely to "stop Trump".
Clinton's final result will be 66.6 million. The current result, 65.9. millions, will be corrected after "Putin" fully self-detonates, in a remake of the staged "Maidan revolution" 2014:
"Navalny president, deposed Putin flees to Beijing and confesses to have rigged the US election to have Trump win".
All this was exposed by Last Prophet years ago. 

Trump: first rally after inauguration: Why NO crowd overview of Melbourne, Fla.
Illuminati still managed to get 40,000 to attend Trump's inauguration, the critical mass required to serve it as "nearly a million".
One month later, the script had Trump pushing both his classic and suicide bomber roles to new limits by the day.
This caused his support base to be nearly halved, now at around 10 pct, while served by media as five times higher (the bigger the lie the more people will believe it).
No wonder that only 2,000 came to his first rally as president, including the group of around 200 that during the "campaign" was always ordered to attend any Clinton rally. 

The bigger the lie ...: Applied to reporting the "crowd" at the Melbourne rally
Illustrated by "news" titled "Embattled Trump returns to strong suit: campaigning", which have no images at all.
The article suggests a huge crowd, no loss of support for Trump after the election:
"The rally locale had all the flair and anticipation of a campaign event from 2016: Thousands of supporters in line, women wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats, men in "Bikers for Trump" shirts, toddlers asleep on parents' shoulders, and plenty of Trump merchandise for sale
... car salesman Gene Huber, from West Palm Beach, said he was first in line, arriving at 4:00 am to see his Republican political hero.

Example: 45 min video - to confirm it just fast move the cursor along the preview bar
Feb 18, 2017 - Footage of Trump's rally in Melbourne, Fla.

Embattled Trump returns to strong suit: campaigning

Trump's inauguration broadcast ALONE reveals illuminati total control - contrast crowd with Obama 2009
Not one global TV news channel mentioned the fact that only 40,000 came (excluding those who had to attend because of professional reasons, such as secret service, shock police and US Navy choir). 
Same goes for any US national channel or any other channel around the world.
The omission of this fact ALONE reveals the same basic fact as ANY of the 10 never asked questions below.
Inaugurations: Trump 2017 v Obama 2009 and 2013
How many times smaller was Trump's crowd? The answer is:
- 20 v 2009, when 800,000 came to chant "Yes, we can";
- 6+ v 2013, when a cattle herd of 250,000 still came although the actor casted as "first black president" and suicide bomber was already detonating for 4 long years.

Clinton will be proclaimed the real 44tth president, after actors "black Obama" and "billionaire Trump" will be impeached and stripped, alias fully detonate as suicide bombers:
Clinton had her votes multiplied by EXACTLY 100 in the NY democratic primaries.
So much for "polls" and "elections".
Apr 20, 2016, on Hitler's anniversary: End Times Sign: 3 digits milestone for multiplying votes 

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